The foundation is built with a structural design of reinforced concrete plinths, cubes and braces, with a resistance of f'c = 280 kg/cm2. Its dimensioning will be that indicated in the plans and calculations.
The subfloor is built of 20 cm reinforced concrete. thick, with a resistance f'c = 280 kg/cm2. A quartz surface finish will be placed to prevent abrasion and expansion joints. Under the subfloor, an average granular fill of (h = 1.20 m.) made with gravel and a 20 cm class 1 granular base layer will be placed. Thick, properly leveled and compacted.
The columns, tie beams, straps and all the structural designs of the roof will be manufactured with metal profiles duly welded and painted with epoxy paint. Fy = 4,200 kg/cm2. Structural designs will be respected.
The roof has a height of 9 meters in its lowest part and its highest part of 12 meters. It will be built with galvanized steel pannel sheets or similar with a thickness of 0.45 mm. It will have reinforced concrete gutters on the sides to evacuate rainwater.
Las paredes serán construidas con bloque de arcilla de 30 x 30 de acabado visto, sin enlucido o pintura.
Each warehouse will have evacuation of rainwater and sewage to the outside.
Plastigama PVC pipe will be used. It will have a connection of drinking water.
The system is channeled to two wastewater treatment plants.
Each warehouse will have the installation of a general underground connection, current transformer, general circuit boards and independent light meter. Installation of 110 v light points. and 220v Single-phase and three-phase current.
PVC pipe will be used.
Each warehouse will have facilities for voice and data processing through fiber optics. underground pvc installations
Instalaciones subterráneas de pvc
Each lot and its facilities will have a fire protection system.
cBG approved designs will be respected
They will be covered with 0.45 mm steel pannel metal sheets. thick, walls with clay blocks, according to architectural designs.
They will be built with concrete pavers for high traffic in the vehicle parking area.
Cada bodega tendrá una puerta metálica reforzada con cerradura como ingreso peatonal.
También contará con una puerta eléctrica Lanfor para el ingreso de carga.
The garden will have an automatic irrigation system.
They will be built of simple concrete. F'c = 180 kg/cm2
Serán construidas de adoquín de hormigón de 450 kg/cm2 para alto tráfico vehicular
Toda la urbanización tendrá evacuación de aguas lluvias y aguas servidas por tuberías. Se usará tuberías PEAD.
Se construirán 2 plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales según el diseño aprobado. Todas las bodegas tendrán suministro de agua potable por tubería. Se usará tubería roscable PEAD.
There will be a hydraulic system for burying the garbage.
Todo el sistema eléctrico será subterraneo. La iluminación de las vías será mediante postes metálicos y lámparas led.
The urbanization will have a digital surveillance system and drones.